
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey there!  I’m finally blogging… exciting!
For starters, we’ll go with general info.  My name is Kelsey Marx (nope, not a communist); my middle name is Ellen, if you want to get personal.  I’m 18 years old, though I’ll be 19 in a month and a day.  I attend Mississippi State University (Go Bulldogs!) where I am (currently) majoring in Biochemistry.  I love being involved with on campus ministries, more specifically the Wesley Foundation.  I also sing in the choir and volunteer as a youth group helper at Resurrection Episcopal Church of Starkville, MS.  I really enjoy music, though I’m not exactly musically inclined. I’ve played soccer for many a year, and I also enjoy the occasional jog.  I am an only child, unless you choose to include my two dogs, Abby and Drake 🙂
Digging deeper:  I am continually growing in my faith;  daily, I learn more about how to live and love, though I am nowhere near perfection.  Some struggles that I’ve encountered in the past couple of months include (but are definitely not limited to) a serious illness in the family and a serious breakup with a long term boyfriend.  Last November, my mom was diagnosed with leukemia.  Hard stuff.  She was very sick, though I did not understand that for a while.  She left for M.D. Anderson in Houston, TX almost immediately after being diagnosed, and has been there mostly ever since then.  She’s now recovering from a stem-cell transplant, and she seems to be on the up-and-up.  Praise the Lord!  Though it is a terrible situation for her and my family, God has worked so wonderfully through all of that pain and hardship to pull us closer together.  It’s sad to say that it takes so much for us to appreciate the people in our lives, but I now understand (at least more than before) what a blessing she is to me and my dad.  Then, in April of this year, my boyfriend of a year and half broke up with me.  Let me just tell you– I was a wreck!  It occured to me (or was it shown to me?) shortly thereafter that I had placed too much stock in this boy; he had become my rock.  Then God stripped away that shifty foundation and replaced it with Himself.  God works in awesome ways.  Absolutely awesome.  And Wow– I am so thankful for the doors God has so graciously opened for me, especially as of late.  I cannot express how excited I am about India and the work to be done there!  I want to spread the Good News; I want to play with children who have no earthly parents; I want “untouchables” to know that we are equal; I want to serve like Christ serves.
So, the ending… I’m terrible at endings, by the way.  So, um… 
It’s been real (ha), and I can’t wait to meet my teammates/sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus!
I hope to hear from each of you guys very soon!(!!!)
His Beloved,
Kelsey (Ellen) Marx