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Hey Guys:

Wow, less than two weeks in we’ll be in India sharing the Love of God:) 

Where is everyone with there Visa’s?

Do you have yours, are you awaiting for it to arrive?  Do you have any questions or concerns, if so please feel free to ask.

Hope your enjoying the Journey. We are praying for you all!

15 responses to “India Visa Status”

  1. i am waiting for mine to come in. i got an e-mail today saying that it is now with the Indian consulate. please be praying that it arrives on time.


    p.s. the journey is awesomeeee

  2. I’ve got mine too

    And I wouldn’t fret about it Kelsey. I sent mine off on the 8th and got it back on the 13th. You should have it shortly

  3. I have got mine as well 🙂

    Ya, no worries Kelsey, mine came super fast too. I will say a prayer for it though anyway!

  4. Thanks Everyone. We really appreciate such prompt responses.

    Jordan, have you applied for it? Or have you applied and your awaiting for it to come?

    Allison just give us an updated status when you return from DC!

    Grace and Peace, TTYS

  5. I don’t have mine yet either. I just got my passport today actually. I’m kind of late with everything because, well, I didn’t know for sure God wanted me to go on this trip until the beginning of May! But, I plan on driving down to DC next week to get mine!