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Whats up amigos?

I know everyone was probably hoping for another guy on the trip… but unfortunately, I’m not a dude. Anywhooo. My name’s Melissa and I’m just finishing up my Junior year at the University of Colorado in Boulder. I grew up in northern Virginia (right outside of D.C) and i lived there until i moved out to Colorado for college. I have a younger sister who is a little clone of me and an older brother who is currently in flight school in Arizona. My parents are unbelievable and have always supported me in everything i do. 
I love to be outside, i’d always rather be barefoot, i know way too many rap lyrics, if i could be any animal i would for sure be a cheetah, and i legitimately never want to grow up. It still hasn’t hit me that I’m about to spend two months in India but i can’t wait to get there and see all your faces. See you soon!!!