
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone!
As i’m new to this missions thing- in otherwords this is my first and only so far- I don’t really know what to expect in my missions trip.  However, I have many hopes of what it could be.  Life changing (obviously).  I do expect and hope that God will be there with us all and speak to all of us in amazing ways we would never dream possible.  That being in a differant culture where the people see things very differantly than we do in our American culture; God will be there speaking to the people in ways we can’t and we would see him working in these ways and so change our outlook and perspective on everything, and make us stronger in Christ. 
The expectations I do have come from other missionaries i’ve talked to that have gone on this trip (i’ve known a few), and they pretty much summed it all up by telling me that we would all come back changed by this experiance, and that our relationship with God would in effect come to a new level.  That is such an exciting thought!  I hope to be challenged and so grow closer to the heart of God, and so help minister even more effectively to His people! 
I suppose that this is all very confusing, because i’m still trying to hash out all these thoughts- sorry I ramble- I really am bad about that- but these are a few of the expectations i’ve discovered within myself that I can put in words. 
Praying this trip is beyond what I can expect,